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Address: 225 North Country Lane St. George, UT
Pricing: Intermediate
Phone: Call Your Realtor
Community Size: 100 - 999 Units
Web: BlackRock


At BlackRock golf course living is beautiful with lush views combined with peaceful serenity. Enjoy life here in a gated community with fantastic amenities and world-class landscaping. BlackRock designs include spacious condominiums, many with two-car garages and elevators in the building. 9-floor ceilings and 8-foot doors, the finest tile, marble and granite and large patios and decks.This style of living includes all of the nicest finishes at a fraction of the usual price for golf course living. Sunbrook Golf Course was rated #1 in Utah by Golf Digest. Amenities include indoor/outdoor pool, recreation room, full-service kitchen.

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